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What is Burnout?

Brooke Aymes

What are situations that can lead to burnout?

When people have difficulty implementing boundaries this typically leads to burn out. This means people have difficulty saying no in their relationships and continue to participate in things that do not feel good to them. For example, someone might have difficulty implementing boundaries at work and when their boss asks them to stay late without being compensated they always say yes and then feel badly afterwards.

How does burnout impact mental health?

Burnout can cause people to feel irritated, resentful and self pity at times. These thoughts and feelings can negatively impact our behaviors and our overall quality of life.

How does burnout impact physical health?

Burnout can have us feeling physically fatigued and can cause other physical symptoms like brain fog, forgetfulness, difficulty being present in the moment.

How does burnout impact behavioral health?

When we are over worked we are more likely to not be taking care of ourselves which means our sleep and nutrition can be negatively impacted and then that can increase anxiety and depressive symptoms. We are at risk of engaging in unhelpful behaviors to cope with these feelings like substance use, gambling, etc.

Woman feeling burnout and stressed and anxious

How can someone help reduce burnout symptoms?

They can begin implementing boundaries to protect their time and start engaging in self care activities to begin taking care of themselves. Self care activities can look different for each individual based on preferences. The most important thing about self care activities is that they help people to be present in the moment and help them make themselves a priority. The more we make ourselves a priority, the more we feel like a priority. Self care needs to be a consistent piece of our routine to prevent feeling burnout.

What are self-care strategies that someone who is dealing with burnout can follow?

Self care does not have to take a lot of time or energy or money. Self care can be buying our favorite coffee on the way to work, listening to our favorite music, making time to read or to be in nature, cooking a nice meal for ourselves, engaging in a one minute plank. Self care

is about consistency and flexibility that way we are able to participate in it each day.

Should someone who is dealing with burnout seek professional help?

Professional help can be beneficial. Boundaries can be uncomfortable, especially when it is not something that comes naturally to us. Professional help can be assist in learning how to communicate boundaries in an effort to preserve relationships and it help with self care accountability.


Brooke Aymes a therapist on a mountain in Pennsylvania

Hey, I'm Brooke --I'm a licensed anxiety and addiction therapist serving individuals, adolescents and couples in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Florida. My experience brings both a personal and professional perspective to the work that I do with my clients. If you are interested in learning more about the therapy process and would like to schedule a free consultation, I would love to chat with you!


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